What if you gave yourself what you give to others?
Ever notice how much you give the people around you? So freely, with the intention of love, support, standing for them and what they want…. The friend who is a kick ass mom who feels like she doesn’t have her shit together, that you support to see her power. The kid who feels like they will never succeed that you help pause and see their greatness and possibility. Your partner who had a hard day and needs a hug, a soft place to land-so you you pause, hold space and let them know it’s going to be ok. Your neighbor who is taking care of her mom and kids and working who can’t make one more dinner-so you make her a meal, listen, and remind her how amazing she is. That is a whole lot of grace, possibility, and love you spread around. What would be possible if you could give yourself what you give so freely to others? Remove the judgement, the negative narrative, pause and pour so much love on yourself, that you felt as supported as all the people around you? When will you start? What support do you need to make it happen?