
What if you gave yourself what you give to others?

Ever notice how much you give the people around you? So freely, with the intention of love, support, standing for them and what they want…. The friend who is a kick ass mom who feels like she doesn’t have her shit together, that you support to see her power. The kid who feels like they will never succeed that you help pause and see their greatness and possibility. Your partner who had a hard day and needs a hug, a soft place to land-so you you pause, hold space and let them know it’s going to be ok. Your neighbor who is taking care of her mom and kids and working who can’t make one more dinner-so you make her a meal, listen, and remind her how amazing she is. That is a whole lot of grace, possibility, and love you spread around. What would be possible if you could give yourself what you give so freely to others? Remove the judgement, the negative narrative, pause and pour so much love on yourself, that you felt as supported as all the people around you? When will you start? What support do you need to make it happen?

Don't wait to start

That thing you’ve been thinking about doing or creating, but haven’t….consider that the invitation you’ve been waiting for to start (when the kids are older, when I have more time, when it is not so busy at work/home/school) isn’t coming. The opportunity is in deciding what you want, and going for it-even when you don’t know how it is going to go. I’d offer that not knowing, and putting down whatever story you have about how it will go, actually creates more possibility. Maybe you’ve started and stopped before-I know I have. Oftentimes fear, discomfort, or both can be a stop for me. What really began the shift for me was being willing to be uncomfortable and continue working towards the life that I want to create. There are so many paths to the destination you are trying to reach! What really unlocked possibility for me in my life was working with a coach. Someone who partners with me in looking at what I want to create, is beside me as I make a plan, and then supports me in holding myself accountable to the thing I said that I want to do. I have the opportunity to examine where I stop, and choose to keep going. It’s not always comfortable, but it’s always worth it. What is the thing you’ve been thinking about? Let’s talk about how coaching can support you in creating it!!

All of our Emotions are Necessary

Our emotions can come and go-sometimes as quickly as they pop up. A while ago, I noticed a habit of shoving mine aside. And for me, what happened from here was this experience of holding each one just below the surface like a beach ball. And for a while, it’s manageable, until I’m suddenly stretched out like a starfish, pushing all those beach balls down below the surface. One starts to pop up, so I give it just enough attention to push it back down, and the effort spent over there, creates space for another to pop up, and then another… What’s inevitable from here, is an explosion, I get messy-I let them all fly out above the surface at one time. Watch out if you are nearby-balls are flying everywhere! My coach noticed some emotion coming up on a call, and I was invited to let it out-too messy, I thought. I agreed that I would create time later to let it out. It made me uncomfortable. But when I released it, I felt such relief. I was no longer holding one of the balls under water. I started to explore what needed to be expressed and let out above the surface. Balls were flying again-but nobody was getting hurt. I noticed that I didn’t feel so tired trying to hold it all in, or down. I realized that I get to choose to let those feelings in-and then, right back out if I need to. Releasing what I was holding down or back allowed me to feel more fully present to the joy, love, play and curiosity in my life! Keeping these feelings below the surface dulled my everyday experience of my life. It kept me from taking full responsibility for (my choices, actions, life, day to day experience) because I was so damn busy trying to keep them under water. So, take the time to experience your emotions, even in front of others. When we are willing to be vulnerable, it creates space, and gives permission for others to do the same. What do you need to release? What will feeling the emotions and letting them go create space for in your life?